We are a progressive Christian community that is focused on matters of social justice and having an intellectually honest faith. Many of us identify as post-evangelical or ex-vangelical. We love wrestling with tough questions. We fully affirm the LGBTQ community. We respect science. We are also a mystical and contemplative community that believes the divine and sacred is too big to be captured by one religion or theology.

On Sunday mornings, we come together to grow, to learn, and to seek God alongside one another. Every Sunday we offer contemplative music, prayer, communion, and a message followed by a live discussion. Throughout the week, we try to live out what it means to follow Christ by serving the marginalized in our community, investing in relationships, and gathering for special events.




OUR NEW Physical address: 2551 n. vERDUGO rD. gLENDALE 91208

*Childcare is provided*


Check out this short video of attenders sharing their experiences at Central. It’s a great way to get a feel for our community.




We believe that Christianity is not about a set of emotive beliefs but about a way of living in the world. For this reason, we don’t have a traditional statement of faith or a list of doctrines you must confess to be in communion with us. Instead, we center ourselves around a shared set of values and practices.


We are a community that cares deeply about matters of social justice. We believe the gospel is good news to the poor and oppressed and that as Christians we are called to social action.


We are committed to building relationships and finding time for each other. We believe our lives are enriched by friendships and shared practices. We gather on Sundays to sing, meditate, pray, study scripture, dialogue, and receive the Lord’s Supper. However, there’s so much more going on than just this weekly gathering. Check out our Facebook and Instagram page to get involved in events:

Central Avenue Church | Facebook

central avenue church (@centralavechurch) • Instagram photos and videos


Whether you’re a Christian or just someone looking for a loving and open-minded church, Central is for you. We strive to ask the hard questions and not give easy answers. We believe there are many ways people encounter the divine and sacred. Come explore with us.



9/25/22: We acknowledge that the land our building occupies is part of the unceded ancestral home of the Gabrielino–Tongva people who have been systematically enslaved, killed, assimilated, and displaced since European settlers arrived in the mid-16th century, and who are still not federally recognized as of the writing of this statement.

One of the first burdens the enslaved Gabrielino–Tongva were forced to carry was the building of the San Gabriel Mission, which should be understood as a part of the long history of displacement and genocide of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas at the hands of a colonial and white supremacist Christian Church. While we are sadly unable to reverse the atrocities inflicted upon the Gabrielino–Tongva people, we renounce and condemn all theologies and versions of the Divine that contribute to dehumanization, violence, and racism. And we recognize and celebrate the Gabrielino-Tongva people as the ongoing caretakers of the land, water, and cultural resources of our area.

3/21/2021: Recently, we have witnessed an increase in anti-Asian violence around the nation and world. The leadership of Central Avenue Church wants to make sure that there is absolutely no confusion about our unwavering and unequivocal support for the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. As an antiracist church, we believe hate and discrimination must never be excused.

 We believe we have a responsibility to create a community where all individuals from every background are respected, valued, and appreciated for the unique contributions and perspectives they bring to our community.

 In the effort to raise awareness and provide resources that combat AAPI hate, please consult the short list below:

-          Report hate incidents to: https://stopaapihate.org/

-          Watch this video from The Daily Show with Trevor Noah: https://www.cc.com/video/3i22x4/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah-the-pandemic-fuels-anti-asian-racism

-          Read this article from the ACLU: https://www.aclu.org/news/racial-justice/lets-stop-the-scapegoating-during-a-global-pandemic/?fbclid%3DIwAR0Ngyo7-M3gZre9Roo2jH_vnOoFiSVWVM5BihUKcaBTv73JQru4NlD54FI

Thank you for standing with us and our AAPI neighbors.


6/7/2020: The leadership of Central Avenue Church wants to make sure that there is absolutely no confusion about our unwavering and unequivocal support of Black lives.

Our country and world have been mired in systems of white supremacy and racism for centuries, and those of us who benefit from these systems have been far too complacent, and far too quiet, for far too long. Even in the midst of incremental progress, the blood of our Black brothers and sisters cry out from the dirt. We repent of our own complacency and too frequent silence, and we ask for forgiveness from our Black brothers and sisters.

But this statement is a beginning, not an end. We as an organization and as individuals, commit to listening more closely, learning more deeply, and acting more intentionally to dismantle the oppressive systems that we participate in and benefit from.


We are a group of leaders who recognize that the gifts and attributes of leadership
are found among many different people – not just the ones with microphones.


Aaron Van Voorhis

Teaching Pastor

Max Wedel

Creative Arts / Bridge Ministry

Bob English

Associate Pastor / Financial Director

Maelyn Hager

Children's Ministry



Angie Pollema

Daniel Conway

Lee Ann Kurr

Taylor Gray